Siblings stress and school options….

What do you notice with sibling relationships? Our three are always shifting and changing. The gap between Izzy and Ava seems very big right now because not only are there 4 years between them but Izzy is full on into the teen zone and has always been a mature soul to start with. Ava on the other hand is young at heart and is very much still in her childhood.

This post however is about Ava and Zack. My 9 year old and 6 year old. They are quite a team. When they are getting along its gold. When they aren’t its rough! i started noticing a bond getting stronger between them when Izzy and Ava came home from school in March of 2020. Gosh what a time that was! Zack had been still napping during the day while the girls were at school and then when they came home he was like Nope! Too exciting to nap with his sisters home.

So we started taking long drives during the afternoon so Zack could nap and I could zone out for awhile. I love driving for that. Anyways Ava and Zack seem to come together during a crisis or when something is causing upheaval in our lives. Recently we started cyber school and it has been a huge adjustment for the kids. They have spurts of handling it really well and having tantrums. Ava and Zack have bonded even more deeply under the stress. They have been engaging in a lot of imaginative play, going outside and watching shows together.

They run to each others laptops to see what the other is learning and they have a “we’re in this together” attitude. When they start laughing together they have a hard time stopping and it’s very contagious (and loud) . I love their bond and how much it has grown the last three years of doing homeschool. They bicker like an old married couple but they truly have each other’s back.

PS…… while we are still doing cyber school and there are some great things about it we are looking into what to do next year as far as school! We are literally checking into every option! What we would love is a hybrid type of school that meets a few days a week (without a hefty tuition). 

We are looking into several different charter schools in the Pittsburgh area as well as a new school opening up in Bethel Park called Dogwood. It follows a homeschool type of curiculum called Charlotte Mason. Today we had Ava tested for Dyslexia and there is actually a special charter school just for kids with Dyslexia! Who knew?! If you know of any alternative school options in the Pittsburgh area let me know!

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